Vanguard Technology in Fertility Treatments and Procedures

Thanks to the advancement of science, infertility is no longer a problem for many couples. Modern advances in technology of assisted reproduction allow the dream of being parents to become a reality that reaches more people every day, without anyone being able to deprive themselves of that privilege. Vanguard fertility treatments that can solve most of the infertility problems that people face when trying to conceive children.

Feel safe and comfortable with your genitals, we offer you repairing therapies with the use of Platelet Rich Plasma and laser surgery for the design of the genitals that you want through the most modern Gynecological Aesthetics treatments.

Antiaging treatments combine the use of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and the very suitable and effective “anti-aging pellets” (hormones of plant origin concentrated in an intradermal implantation cylinder), in order to improve the quality of the cells to prolong their proper functioning for as long as possible and produce greater longevity, giving you the opportunity to look younger and healthier.

Taking care of your body must be comprehensive, also remember that every woman should have a cytology once a year, a mammogram and mammography stating from 35 years. After the age of 40, don’t let the signs of aging take over you, we help you stay young and active. Achieving pregnancy is a challenge for our team, and our greatest passion is in being able to offer you adequate control of it and the wonderful care of childbirth.

BTL EMSELLA™, the first treatment of its kind, is a new technology that allows strengthening the entire pelvic floor in both genders, through the use of focused electromagnetic energy, obtaining effective results in the treatment of urinary incontinence and, additionally, improving function. sexual.

Obstetrician Gynecologist, Human Reproduction Specialist, Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynecological Aesthetics
Gynecology and Obstetrics specialist graduated from the Francisco de Miranda National Experimental University in the city of Coro, Falcón state, I worked as a University Professor in the chairs of Medical Physiology, morphophysiopathology, pharmacology and neurolinguistic programming. Teacher at the School of Nursing where I also taught in the area of semiology and first aid; Graduate thesis advisor in the area of medicine and specialist in NLP in the judicial area. Additionally, I have a specialization in clinical sexology, I did a Fellowship in Human Reproduction at the “Centro Médico Docente la Trinidad”, Caracas – Venezuela, with the endorsement of the Central University of Venezuela, PEC (Postgraduate Continuous Specialization) online in Reproductive Endocrinology with advisers from the Latin American Assisted Reproduction Network, I trained in the area of reproductive immunology and clinical andrology. Later, do a new Fellowship in Gynecological Endoscopy at the La Trinidad Teaching Medical Center in Caracas. I have all the certifications from the IECE (EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF ENDOSCOPIC SCIENCES). I have national and international endorsements in the area of Anti-Aging Medicine, PRP and Laser in gynecological design.
Allow yourself the wonderful gift of being a mother ...
- In Vitro Fertilization
- Testicular Biopsy
- Intrauterine Insemination
- Scheduled Sexual Intercourse
- Genetic Tests
- Laser Perineoplasty
- Clitoral Plasty
- Major Lips Lifting
- Laser Vaginoplasty
- Vaginal Tightening with Laser
- Genital Whitening
- Hymenoplasty
- Antiaging Chip
- Turmeric-based Vitamin Supplement
- Testosterone Supplement for Men
- Testosterone Supplement for Women
- Telomerase Test
- Gynecological Control
- Cytology
- Prenatal Control
- Surgical sterilization
- Family planning
- Colposcopy
After trying IVF treatments at various fertility centers, Dr. Carmen made possible what I was practically about to rule out for life!
Dr. Carmen inspired me with total confidence and with God's help the most beautiful miracle of my life happened!
I spent my whole life looking for a pregnancy, but I never imagined that at 52 years of age this miracle could happen. Not only did I achieve one, but two babies, female and male, thanks God and Dr. Carmen for helping me not to lose faith and showing me that if you do things well, everything is possible
Being parents is possible, let us help you!